Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flipboard-My New Best News App and More

I've rediscovered Flipboard and am really liking it now. I must admit that I didn't fall in love with Flipboard as the text was too small. My vision disability craves larger text and Flipboard didn't cut it. That has changed.

Typically I review an app for either iOS or Android but Flipboard is one of those that works for BOTH!  Flipboard works the same on both but the Android experience, in my opinion, is a little better because the text can be made to be just a little larger. Don't worry iPad or iPhone folks as the iOS Flipboard app works very well. In fact, Flipboard is available for Windows Phone and Blackberry.

Flipboard Screens on the iPad

In a nutshell, Flipboard is an app where news sources are consolidated into a single place for "magazine" type viewing. One simply "flips" or "swipes" to the left to see the next page. It's very elegant. It's like having your personal magazine that only has articles you want to read.

  1. Just download the app
  2. Create an account
  3. Choose the news sources you like or search for more.

Flipboard Screens on an Android Smart Phone

One of the very cool features of Flipboard is that I can include my Facebook as a news source and therefore read my Facebook timeline within Flipboard and have text that is large enough to read comfortably. Yipee! Beware however, the other Facebook features beyond reading are not included within Flipboard but I can update or write a status which is more than good enough for me.

Go ahead and give Flipboard a try or try it again if you left if behind.
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