Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Google Keep is my New To Do List of Choice. Here's Why.

I wrote a brief review of Google Keep a while back and gave it high marks but it wasn't ready to replace Any.Do as my to do list app. However, things have changed. Google has just updated its FREE To Do List app with the ability to add very fancy reminders.


Not only is Google Keep easy to see, easy to enter quick lists but now it has alarms to remind me to get those things done. Not just any alarm though. You can set an alarm based on where you are. Doesn't this situation happen to you. You are out and about and get home and remember that you had to get to Home Depot for some items and you drove right by them. Google Keep's new alarm will sound off when you drive by Home Depot. Actually, you choose a location based alarm right on your list. But wait, there's more...

 I can include a photo or photos on my list. My Home Depot list includes pictures of plants I need for my yard. My wife liked some jewelry so I took a picture to remind me at Christmas time. The sky's the limit for lists now.

Google Keep's  cards are very easy to create. Just tap, type or say what I want. Then tape Done.

Google Keeps card style is so elegantly clean, my poor eyesight doesn't hinder me to read the cards. Hard to admit but Google Keep reminds me of an iPhone looking app. Freaky.

Oh, did I say that Google Keeps is FREE but only for Android. There are two apps for iOS called App for Google Keep but not produced by Google. One is a FREE version while the other is $1.99. I tried the free version and it doesn't stack up and don't recommend it. While Google produce a version for iOS? We'll see.

Like I said, I reviewed Google Keep when it first came out and I liked it but went back to my previous favorite Any.Do. But now I believe I have a new favorite. The only possible problem is that there isn't an iOS version. I love that I have my To Do List on both my Android phone as well as my iPad. For now, I'm going to use the browser for Google Keep on the iPad.

Google Keep is available for Android, Chrome and on any web browser and it's FREE.

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