Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Slice - The Best App to Track On-Line Purchases and More

"Slice - Shopping Organized" and it truly is.

Slice is a handy app that...

  1. Tracks on-line purchases
  2. Stores e-receipts for easy returns
  3. Provides a method to notify you of price drops
  4. Shows handy reports of where your money is going toward on-line spending

Wow, do I really need something that does this kind of stuff? You bet. I tend to buy a lot of things on-line and I need something to reign me in sometimes and Slice can do this.


It's so easy to use and set up too. Just create an account, answer the setup questions to allow Slice to see e-mail purchase receipts and purchase notifications and Slice does all the rest--automatically! And the best part is that Slice is FREE.

I love that I can use this fancy tool on my iPad (or iPhone), Android smart phone and even on my PC (or Mac). Whenever I order something I can get a notification that Slice has the order and is tracking away. I get a notification that my order is shipped, then I get a notification that my order is on the truck and out for delivery. I even get a notification that my package has arrived and is waiting for me on my door step.


Please comment or share with friends and family. Thanks!


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