"Slice - Shopping Organized" and it truly is.
Slice is a handy app that...
- Tracks on-line purchases
- Stores e-receipts for easy returns
- Provides a method to notify you of price drops
- Shows handy reports of where your money is going toward on-line spending
Wow, do I really need something that does this kind of stuff? You bet. I tend to buy a lot of things on-line and I need something to reign me in sometimes and Slice can do this.
I love that I can use this fancy tool on my iPad (or iPhone), Android smart phone and even on my PC (or Mac). Whenever I order something I can get a notification that Slice has the order and is tracking away. I get a notification that my order is shipped, then I get a notification that my order is on the truck and out for delivery. I even get a notification that my package has arrived and is waiting for me on my door step.
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