Evernote. Available for iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, PC and Windows Phone. This is where I keeps notes for anything I need to remember. Examples, monthly vehicle mileage, prescriptions, copy of important documents (passport and drivers license). Lately I use Evernote every day to jot down thoughts for blog posts. I begin my blog posts in Evernote and copy the text to my blog software. https://www.evernote.com/. FREE
E-mail. iPad and iPhone. I use Apple's e-mail app that comes with the iPad. It allows for multiple e-mail accounts that can be seen all at one time. This saves time. I check e-mails many times throughout the day. FREE. No charge for this one.
Nightstand Central for iPad. Available for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. Since I charge the iPad every evening, what not leave it on the nightstand propped up to show a really large clock. Virtually all alarm clocks are too difficult o red or too bright. Nightstand Central allows or easy dimming. Alarms are easy to set and one can have pleasant sounds to fall asleep by. It even shows updated weather. I use this app every day. http://thomashuntington.com/iOS/Nightstand_Central.html . FREE for iPhone and iPad.
Informant HD. This is my integrated Calendar, Contacts and To Do list app. Because all 3 are in a single app, it saves me time and energy. I look at my calendar about once per day. It fully integrates with Google Calendar, Google Contacts, iCal for Mac and Toodle Do. I have used this app for many years dating back Pocket PCs. http://webis.net/ $12.99 for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, $11.69 for Blackberry, $12.99 for Android.
AP Mobile. This is the Associated Press and my favorite news source since I can enlarge the fonts to make it readable for me. I read the AP news once or twice a day. Available for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch and Android. http://getapmobile.com/. FREE.
Echofon for Twitter. This is a twitter app this is easier for me to read as I can enlarge the fonts and get a white background. I read tweets on Echofon multiple times per day. http://www.echofon.com/. FREE
Kindle. In my opinion the best book reader since it saves your place to the cloud. This means you can resume your book at the same page on any device that has the Kindle app. iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, Android, PC, Mac and Windows Phone. Books are purchased on the Amazon.com site. http://www.amazon.com/. FREE
eWallet Go. The easiest password saver program for me as I have a copy on my PC, Android smartphone and iPad and they are all in synch. I simply cannot remember all my passwords. http://www.iliumsoft.com/. $4.99 for Android, iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, Windows Phone 7, PC and Mac.
Instapaper. I love to read by my vision disability makes it virtually impossible to read things with small fonts or with normal contrasting backgrounds. This means web sites are impossible to read. Instapaper allows me to send the website context, excluding ads, to the Instapaper site. The iPad Instapaper app brings the sites together in a single place where I can then adjust the font size and background so I can read them without effort. I can surf the web or tweets and share them to Instapaper for later reading. I read in Instapaper about once per day. http://www.instapaper.com/. $4.99 for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, FREE for Android and FREE for Safari, Chrome and Firefox browsers.
Movies by Flixter. This is where I check for movies at my local theater. It shows movie times and trailers. It even shows theaters wherever you are. I look at Flixster once or twice per week. http://www.flixster.com/. FREE for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch and Android smasrtphones.
Words with Friends. I have to admit I am hooke on Words with Friends. This game is almost identical to Scrabble except Words with Friends is FREE. After each move your opponent is notified it is their turn. They open Words with Friends to see what your last move was. It is addicting. http://www.wordswithfriends.com/. FREE for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, Android and within Facebook for the PC and Mac.
Thanks for the reminder about Evernote!