Thursday, May 17, 2012

Getting National, US or Local News with AP Mobile

Having a vision disability makes reading difficult at best and sometimes impossible. I can no longer read a newspaper nor a magazine. Text is simply too small and the contrast between text and background is not sharp enough. I know many who enjoy reading the Sunday paper--I was one of those, but no longer. I use AP Mobile on my iPad and smartphone.

AP Mobile on the iPad
AP Mobile on the iPad
The iPad has changed the way and what I read. With the ability to increase text to be very large and the sharp text on the screen, I can still do some reading. Adam Mills, a blogger from says,

I can say, without a doubt, that the Retina Display found on the new iPad is the most gorgeous display that I have ever used on a mobile device. Seriously. You have probably read about how digital magazines look like real magazines or that comics look gorgeous or how e-books look like the real, paper deal.
For regular news I use AP Mobile. The main reason is that I can enlarge text to make it readable. There are many news sources on the iPad but I just cannot read them as the text is too small. USA Today, FOX News and CNN apps don't allow me to adjust the text size large enough for me to read. AP Mobile has US, World and even local news. Of course there is Sports and even Entertainment. I check AP Mobile once or twice per day.

AP Mobile on an Android smartphone
AP Mobile is FREE and available for smartphones too.

I read magazine type articles and blogs bu subscribing to them via an RSS Reader (really simple syndication). Another blog post on this coming soon. I can read and listen to books on the iPad too. I'll tell you how in another blog post from Tablet Grandpa.

AP Mobile is one of my 10 Most Useful iPad apps. Check out the others.

Please write a comment or suggest a future topic. Thank you.

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