To me, a most useful app is one that I use virtually every day. It helps me get something done or provides useful information to me in a manner I can use. Since I have a vision disability, I need larger print so the apps I choose have a bias to this required feature. As a result, many very useful apps are not on my list if I cannot see the text well enough.
Personal Productivity
I am in and out of e-mail on
my iPad, smart phone and laptop all through the day. I prefer the iPad's
included e-mail app as I like the way it allows me to have all of my e-mail
accounts appear in a single mailbox view. This is easy and convenient. The app
also allows me to make the text larger so I can see it better. Included on the
Week Calendar HD
$2.99 New to my Top 10.
This is
new to my list as I've used Pocket Informant Pro for my calendar and to do list
for many years. However, I've dealt with small text all this time since the
calendar was so good. Well no more. Week Cal HD is a terrific calendar AND I
can enlarge the text to my liking. What a joy. I don't mind paying the $2.99
price since I can see it well and use it every day. My favorite view is the
weekly as the current day of the week is slightly wider than the rest.
Nightstand FREE
There is a pay version
($2.99) that allows for your own background photos as wall paper and eliminates
the ads and this is the one I use.
OneNote FREE New to
my Top 10.
Social Media
Tweetbot Alternative Twitter app FREE
I gladly paid the $2.99 since
I can easily read it throughout the day.
News and Information
Feedly FREE
I love to read but it so difficult with my vision disability. I require large text and a nice contrast between the task and paper in order to see properly. As a result, books and newspapers are out. However, Pocket saves me because I can "clip" web sites, web articles and other news on the web to Pocket where I have the text set to very large on a very white background. Via my smart phone, I can "share" tweets from bloggers that will put the bloggers article right into Pocket where I can read it comfortably. Pocket also strips out web and blog advertising and just shows you the text and included pictures.
AP Mobile (Associated Press FREE
There are many news apps for the iPad, some of which I like very much but none allow me to enlarge text enough to make them comfortable to read. AP mobile allows me to enlarge the text enough for easy reading. Also available for iPhone and Android smart phones.
Flixster FREE New to my Top 10
I've used
Flixster on my Android phone but now I also use it on my iPad. It is my
"go to" app to see what's playing at my local movie theatre. No more
Internet search or newspaper--I can simply see what's playing close by or even
see which theatre has the movie I want to see right now.
Intellicast HD FREE
Follow me and my
Blog on Twitter: @TabletGrandpa
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